
Cesar Pazzi

This is m|

Executing Commands in Netlify

Sometimes you need to upload your code to a Cloud Computing service to showcase your work. Netlify is one such Cloud Computing service. I use Netlify in conjunction with GitHub to display this blog. I upload articles in Markdown to GitHub, and with each push to the repository, it syncs with the repository I have on Netlify. Netlify then runs HUGO to generate the page files you see on this site. Essentially, Netlify takes care of deploying my blog; I just need to push to my GitHub repository, and automatically, after a few seconds (or minutes), the site will be updated.

Tw Temp Update

It's been a long time since I update my weather script, in fact, I didn't noticed that the bot for tweeting the weather and the temperature to my Twitter profile was not working, well, the only the part for sending the tweet, and this was since February.